Important links
SB915: Click Here
2001 Changes: Click Here
2018 Failed attempt: Click Here.
One Page Summary of current initiative: Click Here.
SB1149 [2013-2014]: Click Here.
New Fertilizer Regulations Proposed for PA
In a 49-1 vote, the PA Senate has passed SB915, which aims to regulate fertilizer applications and create a certification program that aligns with the current PA Pesticide license requirements. The leadership of the PAGCS spoke with Secretary Redding, PA Department of Agriculture, and his team last week to get clarity on the Bill’s impact on the industry.
SB915, for the most part, is based on SB1149 []. That bill, dating back to the 2013-2014, legislative season saw much input and review by the statewide group: PGCSA in concert with all chapter liaisons, including representatives of the PAGCS. The most important sections regarding application and certification are identical. What is in this new Bill is a result of favorable changes resulting from input provided by the golf turf industry.
In the conversation with Secretary Redding, he stated that the current Bill is directly linked to fertilizer reduction credits related to the Chesapeake Bay Program ( Without the data submitted by applicators/end users, there is no ability to correlate any real reduction in fertilizer use without the information submitted by regulated parties. It’s only through this data that the state can realize those nutrient reduction credits.
Senate Bill 915 [] would amend the Fertilizer Act to include a yearly certification program for applicators. The program would be designed to align with the current pesticide license applicator certification program that uses Sept. 30 as its deadline. Fees associated with the program include a $100 license fee “per company” and a $10 test fee per licensee, Fees also increase for product inspection.
The team representing the PAGCS, PGCSA and GCSAA continue to monitor the Bill and continue to insert some influence on certain points, including application rates and licensing requirements.