2022 PGA Works Collegiate Championship
Hosted by The Union League of Philadelphia at The Union League Golf Club at Torresdale and Union League Liberty Hill
Saturday, April 30 through Wednesday, May 4.
We are eager and cherish the opportunity to support the PGA in hosting the 2022 PGA Works Collegiate Championship. Furthermore, we would like to extend our greatest appreciation in your interest in volunteering for this special event.
Please read carefully and complete the application [Linked Above and HERE] as soon as possible. The deadline for this application is Tuesday, February 1. All fields are required. If there are any questions about this form please email
Max Lyons at The Union League Golf Club at Torresdale [LyonsM@unionleague.org] or
Anthony Heath at Union League Liberty Hill [HeathA@unionleague.org]
To ensure the form is received, please FILL OUT and CLICK SUBMIT SURVEY.